Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Drawing on the Subway

Some sketches of people I started a couple of months ago on the subway. I need to get back into drawing again, but I keep falling asleep.


The Keeper's Notes said...

These drawings are beautiful! Amazing that you can get that much detail on Subway drawings...and they look pretty steady, hand would be fall over the's also tough to get that much drawing done without the subjects seeing you drawing them!

btw, welcome to the blogging community!

Cisco's Sketch Page said...

Thanks Justin,its a little hard but once I get comfortable its all good...I knew a friend that used to ink stuff on the that's hard. I usually try not to stare at the subjects to much...they might think you are checking them out....well, it depends on the

Thanks for the welcoming.

The Keeper's Notes said...

Inking them too! Jeez! I take the bus, so I don't even get the opportunity to draw anyone...only if I was on the aisle seat, then maybe I could draw the back of someone's head from a 3/4 angle of a person on the aisle seat in front of me to the other side!...if that makes sense...basically, though, I get on the bus, I throw my Ipod on and take a nap!

Anonymous said...

These subway sketches are pretty cool, Cisco. I know how hard this is to do on a crowded subway. When I used to take the 7 train from Queens to Manhattan, I would try but, I'd always get dirty looks 'cause everyone's on top of you! You couldn't hide what you were doing! lol Now I do what Justin does, iPod and bye-bye!