Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Some sketches of my kids

Here are some sketches that usually do every year around Halloween. I have to start thinking what I should do for this Halloween.

Padawan Remi

Remi, The Elf

Remi as Spidey

The Rivera Family as The Incredibles (My wife was pregnant w/ Logan at that time)


Anonymous said...

These are great, Cisco. My faves are Remy Skywalker and you guys as The Incredibles. You have a great knack for facial likenesses. Awesome drawings!

Glenn Byrne said...

how do your kids not feel like they live in a comic? if my dad could do that, I'd be doing cartwheels....christ these are good cisco....

Cisco's Sketch Page said...

Jesse-Thanks,I do try, man.

Glenn-Remi is already he's own super hero, I call him Kid Tornado, wrecks the house in less than a minute with his sidekicks on the side. Tornado Girl and Tormenton...lol. Thanks man.

Unknown said...

Great additions, Frank! Keep it up!